A Mars Narrative – by Michael Zizis 4/22/14

22 Apr

A Mars Narrative

by Michael Zizis
April 21, 2014

Mars, planet of war, {usually for the Hell of it} flight/flight, self defense, breakage, blood and blood lust, ego outbursts,{me me me} and hemorrhage turns direct on May 20, 2014. Mars went retrograde March 1, 2014.

Mar 01, 2014 16:22
Libra – S/R
May 20, 2014 01:31
Libra – S/D

“He says —Death to all those
who would whimper and cry-
and And dropping a barbell
he points to the sky
saying the sun’s
not yellow, It’s chicken!”

– Bob Dylan

Every two or so years in their couple dance around the sun, the Earth catches up to and passes Mars. It seems this creates a bit of outrage in Mr. bloody outburst. This is traditionally called Mars Retrograde, or Mars Rx. Astrology like poetry compresses language.

As you have heard me mutter for too many times, the planets don’t “do” anything. They show a map — a traffic flow mechanism — of the unfolding of earthly events. This is just the way traffic lights {I like green} and stop signs and round-a-bouts tell us of the river of life.

During a Mars Rx, the berserker shows us that mechanical things break, poisons gets into the system and peace turns to war, as a slow boil; hence Vlad Putin {Libra} and Ukraine, and things gradually worsening in Syria.

The Greeks {who knew him as the god Ares}have temples some of them still partially extant, to many of their mythological gods. So far, one small thoroughly ruined small temple has been found to the god of bloody mayhem. The Greek city of Metropolis in S/W Turkey had a temple dedicated to the war god Ares, one of only two known such temples, has been located here.

from wikipedia: {bold type is mine}

Ares (Ancient Greek: Ἄρης [árɛːs]) is the Greek god of war. He is one of the Twelve Olympians, and the son of Zeus and Hera. In Greek literature, he often represents the physical or violent and untamed aspect of war, in contrast to the armored Athena, whose functions as a goddess of intelligence include military strategy and generalship.

The Greeks were ambivalent toward Ares: although he embodied the physical valor necessary for success in war, he was a dangerous force, “overwhelming, insatiable in battle, destructive, and man-slaughtering.” His sons Fear (Phobos) and Terror (Deimos) and his lover, or sister, Discord (Enyo) accompanied him on his war chariot. In the Iliad, his father Zeus tells him that he is the god most hateful to him.

An association with Ares endows places and objects with a savage, dangerous, or militarized quality. His value as a war god is placed in doubt: during the Trojan War, Ares was on the losing side, while Athena, often depicted in Greek art as holding Nike (Victory) in her hand, favored the triumphant Greeks.


At first glance this sounds mean, cruel and arbitrary. And, it is. That is, until one realizes that every civilization is built on the ruins of previous ones.There is another barbaric and unhygienic Paris beneath the feet of current Parisians. So it is with the collapse of worker’s buildings in Bangladesh, and the Titanic’s sinking, and cannibalism, bridges collapsing, doctors not washing their hands until too many women die in childbirth, and you name it. We cut corners and proceed thru ignorance, until ignorance kills scores of innocent lives, and we begin to pay attention.

The Big Picture

The nature of the opposition is a person or event seeming to be pulled in two opposing directions at once.

From wikipedia:
MV Sewol Korean is a ferry built in Japan. Sewol capsized on 16 April 2014. It was carrying 476 people, mostly secondary school students from Danwon High School (Ansan City) who were traveling from Incheon to Jeju. As of this writing, 200 of the 476 people who were aboard the 6,825-tonne Sewol, most of them schoolchildren, are still unaccounted for.

In the chart below, the disaster happened as a preliminary result of a sharp turn causing weight in the ship to shift, which caused the ship to capsize. Captain Lee Jun-Seok was one of the first to leave the ship to safety after the disaster. This tragedy happened with hours of a lunar eclipse. Mars Rx {fifteen degrees Libra Rx} is opposed Mercury {fifteen degrees Aries} and Uranus {thirteen degrees Aries} and the Sun at 25 Aries. Eclipses release energy. Mars retrograde opposing Mercury / Uranus incites rash decisions and lack of the Captain’s understanding his role during any emergency. Mars / Mercury / Uranus are almost precisely squared by Pluto {13 degrees Capricorn} opposed Jupiter {12 degrees Cancer}.

When the moon entered this hair trigger grand square in the Cardinal signs, it was as if a nuclear mouse trap was set off. The Captain’s lack of attention and cowardice are exemplified by The tension between Mars and Uranus. This is a very violent and explosive combination.

According to Astrologer Eric Francis: “Mars (in the words of Robert Hand) “rules the energy that an individual uses to maintain himself in the face of pressures from his environment.” There is an inherently contentious potential for instantaneous explosion, meltdown or implosion, whenever Mars and Uranus oppose. The difference you can make begins by simply being aware that you can control you.”

The squares From Jupiter / Pluto indicate conditions of outsized tragedy, seeming to expand instantaneously from minute conditions or small errors in judgement resulting in major horror. This is one outcome of the Butterfly Effect.

Don’t believe those with pleasant aspects in their horoscopes, who tell you that nothing is wrong with anything. There is a crack in everything. Believe those folks with difficult aspects in their charts telling you that there is sometimes rot and human ugliness, in what we do, what we create, and how we treat each other. This, for me, is a good indicator of Mars Retrograde. Anyone’s ego can get out of hand. Anyone can start to imagine that they are the worst off, and the unhappiest, or like poor old crazy Nijinski that they are god. Just as Mars direct often reinforces the ego. Mars Rx tells you that you don’t pull your own teeth, or administer your own gall bladder operation. Do You?

The Small Picture

The mind is generally not a warm place. It is most often that place of cold calculation. In other words, it is a tool, with which we can get things done. One minute it tells you how great you are – the next that you are a terrible person. Then, it does it all over again.

Take a moment to look at what has broken small or large since Mars went Rx since March 1, 2014. During this transit mechanical things break. Mars traversed slowly backwards from 27º to 9º Libra. Like all retrogrades this period gives us a chance to look at things from a right-brain perspective.

My dishwasher broke.

I have a remarkable 180 gallon aquarium. I bought new tropical fish and introduced them into the stable lives of my lovely wet pets. Disease broke out and I lost some pets that had been with me for over a decade. Some lessons are expensive and heart breaking.

This taught me two important lessons. One that can pay dearly for being impulsive. Two that I must grieve, and learn.

Oh, yes, and about those cracks: “You don’t need another human being to make your life complete, but, let’s be honest. Having your wounds kissed by someone who doesn’t see them as disasters in your soul but cracks to put their love into is the most calming thing in this world.” – Emery Allen

Happiness is beneficial for the body, but it is grief that develops the powers of the mind.”
– Marcel Proust.

For further reading:

Mars Retrograde Meaning For All Signs


How Can I Help?

Michael Zizis

96 Benson Ave.,

Toronto- M6G 2H8

ph: 416/651-0096



Murder at Midnight an essay by Michael Zizis

Saturn – The old Devil enters Scorpio


One Response to “A Mars Narrative – by Michael Zizis 4/22/14”

  1. Brian WARK April 22, 2014 at 8:15 pm #

    Like reading Shakespeare of Astrology, Michael, erudite and entertaining.

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